Thursday, September 2, 2010


Junk Bonanza is near...School just started...My boys are playing soccer...There are about a million apples in my yard that need to be made into sauce...My house is a complete disaster...The grass is about up to my knees.....

I REALLY need the 3 day weekend that is coming up! I will probably lock myself in my basement to work on zipper flowers, junk jewelry, and some cool junky Halloween stuff ~ all of which will make the trip to Bonanza in a few weeks.
The weather is cooler today and will be cooler this weekend, which will be great for painting some furniture and some other outdoor projects... I love the fall! It is probably my favorite time of year! My students are making apple crisp today ~ how great that will smell!

Speaking of students, this is how my desk looked this morning when I got to work...
EVERY year I try to train myself to have a neat and tidy desk...but, too quickly it all falls apart!

Stay tuned...I WILL post preview pictures of the items that I am taking to Bonanza by Monday...I promise! :)

1 comment:

Kim 'The Hillbilly' said...

Girl... I hear ya! Tackle football has started here, along with all the fun aspects of back to school. You know, we are suppose to enjoy the last summer weekend of the year! Try to, even if you bury yourself in your basement with the avalanche of housework following you down! I'll be over Monday for applesauce...


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